Nerd Work

Here is a list of my public repositories with some of the projects I've made for myself.

O.S.C.A.R. Overwatch Screen Capture Analysis Recorder

I made a tool that reads the aim training scoreboard in the first person shooter, Overwatch. The desktop application looks at a specified folder and analyses all png files starting with "Overwatch." It then pulls out a specific hue (one hue for each line) and uploads that values to a Google Sheet. This script incorporated pygsheets to access Google, pytesseract OCR to read the scoreboard, and OpenCV2 to extract the colors.

E.U.N.A.S. Enclosed Universal Notification and Alarm System EUNAS (yoo nis)

I was having a hard time remembering the laundry machine and electric kettle so I made a timer for those specific amounts of time. I couldn't find a timer with "favorites" so I made one in my cave with a box of scraps. An additional feature is that the user feedback is with LED's, not an audible alarm. With an unobtrusive LED, I can leave the alarm on until I take care of it. An audible alarm would get turned off and forgotten about.

PeTeR Personal Time Recorder

During my time at Warren and Panzer I was responsible for logging my time. As the sole IT and drafter, I was getting pulled around a lot so I needed a tool to quickly log my time.


If you are interested in getting in touch with me email me at and feel free to download my resume.